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New tracking force information will be delivered<br>   with the rebuilt AT-ART1000.<br> - Audio-Technica warrants that the product quality and specifications of<br>  a rebuilt AT-ART1000 will be the same as one newly produced, however, the sound quality<br>  will not be exactly the same.<br> - The Rebuild Programme may not be available in cases where the customer’s AT-ART1000<br>  does not meet certain preconditions (e.g., there are missing parts, magnet is demagnetized,<br>  there is too much corrosion, any non-Audio-Technica repair has been done, etc.) </p> </div> <div class='sec_01_03'> <h2 class='sec_01_03_title'>WHAT WILL BE REBUILT?</h2> <p class='sec_01_03_txt'> This programme provides the replacement of the whole assembly,<br> including stylus tip, cantilever, coils, and rubber dampers. </p> <h3 class='sec_01_03_01_title'><span>Rebuild parts</span></h3> <div class='sec_01_03_01_box'> <img src='https://www.audio-technica.com/en-us/media/wysiwyg/art1000/art1000en/img_01.png' alt='img_01' width='597' height='466' /> </div> </div> <div class='sec_01_04'> <div class='sec_01_04_01'> <h2 class='sec_01_04_01_title'>REBUILD PROCESS</h2> <ol> <li>Upon receipt of a returned AT-ART1000 in Japan, Audio-Technica will disassemble the cartridge.</li> <li> Stylus tip, cantilever, coils and rubber dampers will be replaced with new ones. Due to the disassembly process,<br> the rear plate will also be replaced, but the serial number will not change. All other parts will remain as they are. </li> <li> The new tracking force information will be provided along with the rebuilt cartridge. </li> </ol> </div> <div class='sec_01_04_02'> <h2 class='sec_01_04_02_title'>HOW DO CUSTOMERS JOIN THIS PROGRAMME?</h2> <ol> <li>Contact your local Audio-Technica service center (find locations at <a href='http://www.at-globalsupport.com/' target='_blank'>www.at-globalsupport.com</a>) or the retailer<br> that sold you the AT-ART1000 to get an exclusive shipping carton. </li> <li> Pack the AT-ART1000 in the carton, and send it to your local Audio-Technica service center. </li> <li> The local Audio-Technica will send your AT-ART1000 to the Audio-Technica factory in Japan. </li> <li> Once rebuilt (as shown in the section above), your AT-ART1000 will be returned via the same route:<br> Audio-Technica Japan to your local Audio-Technica to you.<br> *Note that the turnaround time may vary by country. <br> Contact your local Audio-Technica service center or retailer for details. </li> </ol> </div> <p class='sec_01_04_03'> *Please note that this service may be discontinued without prior notice at a certain point after the product<br> is taken off the market or once repair parts are no longer available. </p> </div> </section>