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Audio Solutions Question of the Week: How do I Clean My Audio-Technica Turntable’s Dust Cover Without Scratching It?

Question: How do I clean my Audio-Technica turntable’s dust cover without scratching it?

Answer: Dust and debris can impede your vinyl record listening experience. Keeping your records clean and ensuring your stylus is clean will allow your turntable to work at its top performance. If dust collects on your record, the stylus will pick up the dust as it rides in the record groove, obstructing the stylus’s contact with the groove. Make use of the turntable’s dust cover when not playing records to reduce the amount of dust that reaches your turntable platter and records.

Question: How do I clean my Audio-Technica turntable’s dust cover without scratching it? Answer: Dust and debris can impede your vinyl record listening experience. Keeping your records clean and ensuring your stylus is clean will allow your turntable to work at its top performance. If dust collects on your record, the stylus will pick up the dust as it rides in the record groove, obstructing the stylus’s contact with the groove. Make use of the turntable’s dust cover when not playing records to reduce the amount of dust that reaches your turntable platter and records.

The best way to clear dust off the top of the turntable’s dust cover is to use a compressed air duster (often used to clean computer keyboards) to blow dust off the cover. But if there are stubborn spots that require attention, use warm water and a soft sponge. Make certain you remove the dust cover from the turntable and use a soft sponge that is safe for use on acrylics. Once the dust cover is cleaned, use a very soft microfiber towel to blot it dry. Be certain to avoid wiping, which may scratch the cover’s surface. If you have scratches on your dust cover, you may use Brillianize or Novus Scratch Remover and follow their product instructions carefully.

The dust cover on your turntable helps prevent unwanted dust and debris from getting onto your records and stylus tip. If you have other questions about cleaning your Audio-Technica turntable’s dust cover, reach out to the Audio Solutions Department.