Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
This statement is made on behalf of Audio-Technica Corporation (hereinafter "Audio- Technica"), a company incorporated in Japan, and its affiliated companies including Audio- Technica LTD., a company incorporated in the United Kingdom, with regards to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (hereinafter “the Act”) which requires organisations to be transparent about their efforts to eradicate slavery and human trafficking in their supply chain.
1. About Audio-Technica
We, Audio-Technica, are an audio manufacturer headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, and develop and provide a broad range of audio products, including microphones, headphones, wireless microphone systems, wireless monitor systems, phonograph cartridges, turntables and more. For these business activities, we are provided, by our supply chains, with component materials of audio products.
2. Policy on slavery and human trafficking
We support, and respect internationally-declared human rights protections, and strive to fulfil its social responsibilities. Therefore, we never tolerate any forms of modern slavery such as servitude, forced and compulsory labour, bonded and child labour, sexual exploitation, human trafficking and related forms of workplace abuse. As a globally recognised brand, we are committed to ethical working practices and responsible business practices worldwide. We are continuously working to improve our practices and to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships. In addition, we expect and require the same from our suppliers, contractors and other business partners.
3. Due diligence processes in relation to slavery and human trafficking
As part of our commitment to improving our practices and to acting ethically we are committed to:
- Identifying, assessing and minimising potential risk areas in our supply chain;
- Education of our staff, our suppliers and sub-contractors; and
- Protecting whistle blowers.
4. Activities related to prevention of slavery and human trafficking
We ensure compliance regarding the Act by implementing and verifying the following during the period of April 1, 2017 through March 31, 2018 (also partially including activities made on and after April 1, 2021):
- We have working regulations in accordance with the Labor Standards Law of Japan which is based on the International Labor Organisation Charter. In addition to the working regulations, we have internal company regulations which requires us both to protect human rights and to prevent forced labour;
- We have been engaging in research activities constantly to further enrich our knowledge to prevent all forms of modern slavery;
- Our terms and conditions of contracts require our suppliers to comply with all the laws and regulations; and
- As a result of a hearing investigation executed to Audio-Technica employees, we have confirmed that no slave labour, human trafficking, nor forced labour are found in any of our supply chains.
5. Looking Ahead
We will continue our effort necessary to prevent slave labour and human trafficking by our supply chains. Besides the above measures, we will further raise our employees’ awareness to the Act through discussion about and implementation of required steps to comply with the Act and we will carry out random interviews with employees to ensure they understand Corp.’s approach to modern slavery.
6. Approval by Audio-Technica Board of Directors
I, Masuo Oyanagi, hereby certify that the information contained in the above Statement is Factual and has been approved by Audio-Technica Corporation’s Board of Directors on October 9, 2021.
October 9, 2021
Masuo Oyanagi
Director, Member of the Board
Audio-Technica Corporation